Monday, 26 December 2011

The 1960s

Okay, after last week, here is a quick introduction to the sixties.

*It is an incomplete list and yes, I have probably missed the best*

You see? I must defend myself!

Ladies, you will find, if you fall into conversation about the sixties, that everything becomes personal and polemic about this decade. Quickly. You had to make political and social judgements and be prepared to defend them.

Does that seem radical?

Know that any conversation about music from the sixties (especially with the old folks like Big Bro) is a similar minefield of opinion, judgement, scorn, and recommendation.

Then someone will end it all with, I blame the sixties.

Joni Mitchell
Bob Dylan
Rolling Stones
The Animals
The Kinks
The Monkees (I'm sorry, I had to put them in)
Creedence Clearwater Revival (one of Big Bro's favourites)
The Hollies
Pink Floyd
The Who (I daren't leave them off)
The Move (I have to stop this list; it will become ridiculously lengthy)

Go off and find your favourite. Plenty to choose from.

Monday, 19 December 2011

The Beatles

Ladies, you cannot look blank and answer Who? when someone mentions The Beatles.

Somewhere they must form part of your education.

Go listen to Ticket to Ride, Hey Jude, A Hard Day's Night, Eleanor Rigby, Penny Lane. You know, I could go on.

And I will.

Monday, 12 December 2011


I know nothing about the music of Indonesia. Nope. Nothing. Can someone help me out? I've found pretty music and pictures here. What instrument types can we identify?

(Wiki has some answers, thank goodness.)

While we're listening, find a game to play.

PS: who can really say where Indonoesia is, given that I keep reading it is 17,508 islands, which is all confusing to my head, brought up on nation states and land boundaries. Useful map here.

PPS: Oh we may as well do the Round-the-world thing now and buy in the coconut and red chilli.

Monday, 5 December 2011

'A large ensemble of instruments that play together'

Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra. You have heard this before. Many times. Don't make me get out the ropes.

Easy with Simon Rattle. (Ignore the way the shirt makes him looks like he lives in an institution.)

All more fun than Year 7, but everyone has something to teach us. Here.

Now go off and find something about the composer, Benjamin Britten.

Just think! Within a few short months we will surely fetch up at Snape Maltings where I will complain about drizzle and the price of coffee!