Monday, 26 September 2011

Russian folk

The history of Russian music is huge, scary and intimidating.

Fortunately, this week I am sparing you the nationalist fervour and the Russian Red Army Choir (Yes! We have that CD!) and suggesting instead that you listen to this.

You could also try a lullaby. Ahh.

But the folk tradition is massively important, as you will see! If you want to be overwhelmed and scared already, go here.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Romanian folk

Start here.

Can you sing it?

What languages are spoken in Romania? (Ask daddy. He will be an amazing source of knowledge for this.)

Can you find Romania on a map?

Find out a little about this country.

Here's the flag. You can ask mama about Nicolae Ceausescu. (We'll call her an expert thanks to the fact that once she nearly travelled to Bucharest, and he put her off.)

Monday, 12 September 2011

Celtic Irish Folk

Listen here.

What instruments do you think are used?

Read a little about the musical style here.

Use this music as a start point for reading...
what can you find out about the mythology of Ireland?

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Ah! My favourite station!

Or you could listen here.

And read this page.

What's the serpent?

Go on an internet hunt. Find out about any of these instruments: hurdy gurdy, zither, dulcimer, vielle.

Three of them, three of you? Make up a dance! (If Shark won't play, I'll join in.)

Which came first, polyphony or plain chant? Make your own timeline from information you can find out, starting here.

You can find many examples of medieval music on YouTube. Start here and see where you go.

Music development and music history. What can you find out about Pope Gregory's singalong?